This portion of the website addresses Special Forces in Viet Nam
It explores the history of Special Forces, 5th Special Forces Group operations in I Corps, and Special Forces A-Teams
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"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." -- Napoleon Bonaparte
I was just starting out in HTML. I undertook a project to build a website about my experience serving in Viet Nam. This website project took
me almost a year to complete. When I was done, I was mentally tired... really tired! I didn't go back to my site for several years. In
fact, the site remained as it was originally written for many years.
My goal was to document my Viet Nam service with the 5th Special Forces Group (SFG) so that my children may better understand some of the factors
that shaped my life and, subsequently, their life. My hope is that this site will also provide others with a glimpse of what Viet Nam service
was like as a Green Beret A-Team member. This is why I refer to these pages as an insight into 'the Special Forces Viet Nam experience'.
I have tried to be historically accurate with the information I presented here. What does this mean? It means that I have tried not to embellish
the incidents and information recalled here. The facts and stories contained in the web pages are as accurate as my information and memory will
allow. If you are aware of any inaccuracies, please let me know so that I may correct them.
Please feel free to browse at your leisure. Let me know what you think of the web site. Comments? Suggestions?? Which page is your favorite? If
you find a broken link or another problem, please
email me and let me know. And, oh yes...
thanks for stopping by!